Tasmanian Pharmacy Authority

The Authority is responsible for the administration of the Pharmacy Control Act 2001 (the Act) which provides for the regulation of ownership and registration of pharmacy premises. The Authority assesses ownership applications for pharmacies and manages changes of ownership. The Authority also considers applications for new and relocated pharmacy premises, alterations to pharmacy premises, and vaccination areas. The Authority conducts inspections of pharmacy premises on a cyclical basis as well as after changes of ownership, new or relocated premises, and after the completion of alterations.

The Authority has produced a set of Guidelines to assist pharmacists with regards to expected standards.  In accordance with the Pharmacy Control Act s59A(8), the Authority may advise any other bodies of  issues identified during inspections which fall outside the direct jurisdiction of the Authority. This may include issues pertaining to professional practice and conduct of pharmacists or the legal prescribing, dispensing or supply of medicines.