If you intend to undertake alterations to your pharmacy, you must apply to the Authority for approval. This application needs to be approved prior to any work taking place. Please allow sufficient time for approval, bearing in mind all applications must go to the monthly meeting of the Authority.

The following changes fall within the definition of alterations:

  • changing the internal layout of the dispensary;
  • adding or altering consulting rooms, vaccinations rooms, storage and packing rooms;
  • any changes affecting the storage of scheduled medicines
  • any changes affecting the professional activities of the pharmacist;
  • any changes affecting access to and within the pharmacy;
  • changes to the perimeter of the store (including doors, windows, alarms, access to/from other businesses);
  • adding or changing narcotics safe/s;
  • adding or removing third party businesses or agencies (eg ATM, Australia Post, health insurance)

If you already have a room you wish to use for vaccination purposes and which does not require structural alterations (for example changing a storeroom into a consulting room), please submit Form PV – Application for Vaccination Area and read the section Applying for a Vaccination Area

To have alterations to your pharmacy business premises approved, the procedure is:

  1. Submit Form PA Application for Approval of Alterations to Pharmacy Premises.
  2. The Authority will issue you with an invoice for the applicable fee.
  3. Application will be heard at an Authority Meeting (held on the first Wednesday of the month with submissions closing 10 days prior. Late applications will be held over to the following month);
  4. Authority gives “in principle” approval to proceed and advises Pharmaceutical Services Board and Medicare;
  5. Carry out your alterations;
  6. When work is completed, you should carry out a self-inspection check, using Form SIF “Pharmacy Self Inspection Form”;
  7. Submit Form ACA “Advice of Completion of Alterations to Premises” to the Authority;
  8. The Authority will issue a final approval for alterations. You may now use the area. The approval may consist of some conditions which you will need to advise and/or undertake for the approval to be enforced;
  9. An Authority Inspector will arrange a time with you to visit the pharmacy premises and conduct a formal inspection;
  10. The Authority will consider the Inspection Report at the next available meeting and will formally advise of any remedial work or action required, with a time frame for your response;