If you wish to change the ownership of your pharmacy, you should complete Form CO – Change of Ownership.  Both the current and new owners will need to sign this form. Any leases with the Deed of Assignment to those leases and any other accompanying documentation should be forwarded with your application.  You can also use this form to change the name of the pharmacy if you are changing it in conjunction with the change of owners.

If you are the purchaser of the pharmacy and don’t already have an Eligibility Certificate issued by the Authority, please go to Applying to own a Pharmacy in Tasmania.

If the purchaser of the pharmacy already has an Eligibility Certificate, you will not need to apply again. This depends on whether the new ownership of the pharmacy will be held in the same manner as the current Eligibility Certificate held. If you, as the new owner, hold an Eligibility Certificate as an individual and now wish to own a pharmacy in the name of a company, a new Eligibility Certificate, issued in the name of the company, must be applied for.

There is no fee for a change of ownership unless you need to apply for an Eligibility Certificate at the same time.